Hi there,

I haven’t always been a potter in fact I couldn’t have been further from it. I discovered my love of clay purely by accident and what started as relaxation quickly became obsession. My life was rushed, there was never enough time for anything and no matter how I juggled I never seemed to find the time to pause and just be in the moment.

I was content with my job but missing that drive that I could see in people passionate about what they did and the joy that comes with it. I am forever thankful to my mother and daughter who forced me to stop, sit and join them playing in clay. At the time of course I was thinking argh I don’t have time for this and quickly rescheduling tasks in my mind, not at all focussed, but the clay required concentration and demanded I be present. 

All of a sudden I was breathing, I had stopped my minds chatter, I was grounded and at peace. If only for a moment, but long enough to feel it and that was enough to draw me in, it became my meditation and the slow down I desperately needed. I hope the joy and peace I’ve had creating these pieces resonates in your homes and in turn brings you joy and peace in their use 

Tamara xo